Band Description

“The Marching Band is one of the public faces of our school, and in some settings (like parades), the only public face. If our marching band looks good, our whole school looks good.” - This is the essence of some words spoken by our former band director, Nick Greeson. We all know it to be true. It is much responsibility in the hands of a small group of students. They deserve our support, and we give it gladly and with enthusiasm. This is the goal of this site.

This site is unofficial, maintained by a Band Booster, and not endorsed by the Indian River School District or Sussex Central High School.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Trip to New York City

Comments from Katherine and Sarah regarding the trip:

"There are a LOT of people in New York City!"
"There was some ballet in Phantom of the Opera"  (Katherine and Sarah do ballet, and were impressed.)

Me:  "Did anybody get lost?"
Katherine:  "Only Nino...we came out the Shake Shack, and he was left inside getting a drink, and we were like - where's Nino!?"

Mr. Greeson took this picture.  I think he may have actually been trying to get a picture of the red Mini in the background.

Anyone want to write a short article or anecdote about the trip?  Send it to Brent's email if you do.  Thanks.

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