Band Description

“The Marching Band is one of the public faces of our school, and in some settings (like parades), the only public face. If our marching band looks good, our whole school looks good.” - This is the essence of some words spoken by our former band director, Nick Greeson. We all know it to be true. It is much responsibility in the hands of a small group of students. They deserve our support, and we give it gladly and with enthusiasm. This is the goal of this site.

This site is unofficial, maintained by a Band Booster, and not endorsed by the Indian River School District or Sussex Central High School.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Senior Highlights: Wildo Mejia

 My Experience in SCHS Band
Wildo Mejia

Note:  Pictures will enlarge if you click on them.

Wildo - first person in back row
What made you decide to join the school band?
I joined the band because when I was a little kid I always thought the trumpet was a awesome instrument.  I guess that got my attention to join the band.

What do you play in the band. Do you play any other instruments?
In the band I play the trumpet, but over the years I have learned how to play the guitar and bass guitar, with a bit of drums.

What kind of music do you like (band music or other music). Do you ever play your instrument to music that isn’t necessarily meant for the band?
I like to listen to some Alternative Rock, Funk Rock and Christian music. I personally am looking for any given opportunity to perform, I also would perform at church.

What do you plan to do after high school?
I plan on going to college and work hard for a bachelors degree in architecture or in music.

Will you continue playing your instrument? Where?
I will always continue playing my instruments, I don't know where exactly, but I will always find a place to play, no matter what, music will always be right by my side.
What would you like to see happen to improve the band.
I would love to see more an more kids get interested in music and join the band.  I would want the band to grow.
Anything else you would like to say about your experience with the school band?
One of the best experiences of being in the band would be the time to perform, the feeling is like no other, just amazing!


Wildo - First on Left. 


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