Band Description

“The Marching Band is one of the public faces of our school, and in some settings (like parades), the only public face. If our marching band looks good, our whole school looks good.” - This is the essence of some words spoken by our former band director, Nick Greeson. We all know it to be true. It is much responsibility in the hands of a small group of students. They deserve our support, and we give it gladly and with enthusiasm. This is the goal of this site.

This site is unofficial, maintained by a Band Booster, and not endorsed by the Indian River School District or Sussex Central High School.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Blog launch

This site is brand new venture, and currently under construction.

Suggestions will be gladly accepted and considered.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Ohio State Marching Band

Apparently, this is the kind of marching college bands do.  Think "Practice, practice, practice."

Here's a video of the entire half-time show.